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LTLR - Staff Spotlight

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LTLR - Staff Spotlight


Happy 16 years of sobriety to our Resident coordinator David!!! We are so proud of you and grateful to have you on our team!

When we say that we are the premier choice when it comes to guiding our residents through their recovery, we mean it. Founder, Matt Bauersachs has 12 years of sobriety under his belt along with David & Craig who have also overcome their addictions. They lead by example & also have first hand experience when it comes to the stages, emotions & hurdles during the recovery from addiction journey. You can learn more about our amazing staff at https://learntoliverecovery.com/who-we-are/

We KNOW a sober life is a BETTER life & we are here every step of the way!

Follow us on Facebook @learntoliverecovery

#soberliving #soberhousing #recovery #addiction #st.louis #kanascity #treatment #ltlrecovery

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Annonseid: 608712
Utløper: 2024.06.24 (om 23 dager)
Lagt til: 2023.08.29
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