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Metabo 6.25591 Power Tool Batteries

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Metabo 6.25591 Power Tool Batteries


Replacement Cordless Drill Battery for Metabo 6.25591

Type: Li-ion
Volt: 18V
Capacity: 3000mAh
Color: Black
Weight: 669.15g
Dimension: 123.05 x 80.35 x 67.00mm

Fast Delivery. Most Metabo 6.25591 tool batteries ship 1-3 business days within receipt of order.In order to ensure timely delivery for our customers, we ship via Post for most orders all United Kingdom wide ONLY. If you want to ship this battery to other countries in Europe, please contact us, we can help you.

Please order this battery on


Inquiry: info@drill-batteries.co.uk

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Annonseid: 536339
Utløper: 2024.08.05 (om 50 dager)
Lagt til: 2022.04.18
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